Summer (Jun-Aug) at the Jigokudani Monkey Park

Summer (Jun-Aug) at the Jigokudani Monkey Park

The summer months of June to August at first bring rain and then heat and humidity. Anyone who has visited Japan during summer knows that it can be grueling. The heat and humidity can be unrelenting, especially in the cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. Thankfully, Nagano’s higher altitude offers an escape from the worst of the heat and humidity. On this page you will find the following information:

Snow Monkey Park Operating Hours in Summer

What to Expect in Summer

June in the Snow Monkey Park

July in the Snow Monkey Park

August in the Snow Monkey Park

Summer Tours at the Monkey Park and More!

25 Things to Do Around the Park & Where to Stay

While Nagano will also be hot, its higher altitude blesses it with a cooler and shorter summer. Home to the majority of Japan’s tallest mountains and best hiking and mountaineering, summer is a great time to escape the heat of the cities and head-up high to the fresher air of Central Japan.

For information regarding opening times, entry tickets and access please refer to our ‘Snow Monkey Park Information’ page, while our ‘The Snow Monkey FAQs’ page answers the most common questions when planning a visit.



The Jigokudani Monkey Park operating hours are not the same year round, so it is very important to make sure that you double check the hours before visiting. The operations are split into two main periods, the green season of April – October, and the winter season of November – March. The green season operations are 08:30 – 17:00, while the winter season is 09:00 – 16:00. Thus, visitors in summer will need to abide by the green season rules and will have an extra hour in the evening when compared to winter visitors. Please note that the park hours are subject to change on any given due to extreme inclement weather or other events which interfere with park operation.



The true summer heat of Japan is preceded by its wet season. Expected from around mid-June onward, heavy downpours will be fairly frequent and dramatic. As such, it is one of the quietest times of year to visit the park, but also a very good one. The rain quickly turns the park vibrant green with new growth seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Rain and mist moves through the valley, creating a unique atmosphere which seems to send the monkeys hyperactive.

Heading into July, the new babies are growing in confidence. Mothers allow them to stray and explore a little, a clumsy and awkward display which entertains the few visitors in the park. Come late-July and the start of August, it will be hot. This is the middle of summer and humidity will be high.

In the heat of summer the forest trail is pleasant to walk. Notably cooler and very quiet, strolling to and from the park is enjoyable in its own right. Dress lightly for the heat but take a hat and water. We also recommend wearing good quality footwear.


During summer, the Snow Monkey Resorts Info & Gift Shop will be closed, however nearby Enza Café will sell the same merchandise, including official souvenirs, and can provide English-language information.


Further down the hill and nearby the bus stops, Hotarutei offers visitors the nearest fine-dining experience to the monkey park Housed in a converted 170-year old farmhouse.


From June onward, temperatures of around 30°C will be punctuated by sudden, heavy downpours. Around mid-July, summer will really take hold and from that time on and until late August, visitors can expect daytime temperatures between 30°C to 40°C with high humidity. For information regarding other seasons in the monkey park, please refer our ‘Snow Monkey Park Throughout the Year’ page.



June is the start of the rainy season in central Japan, and this means that both the monkeys and the human visitors will be getting wet. Of course, the monkeys are no stranger to getting their fur soaked (that’s what they are famous for!), and will be out and about regardless of any light rain.

Temperatures in June can vary but are usually mild, with highs of up to 30 degrees possible, but many days not going over 25. Especially on rainy days the weather will be refreshingly cool, and especially so when compared to Tokyo or Osaka. Expect rain to be frequent throughout the month, but not very heavy. Waterproof shoes, a rain coat, and an umbrella will be necessary items to have if visiting Japan in this month.

On more mild days in June, expect to see a few monkeys in the onsen bath for warmth. Even on sunny and warm days, however, a few monkeys will enter the bath, often for entertainment. Watching them walk around in the water, or even dive and swim, is a treat and sure to please any visitor.



July brings the true heat of the summer to Nagano, and the monkeys can often be seen lazing around in midday, trying to stay cool. However, their cute faces and relaxed expressions, along with their complete lack of shame in choosing a pose with which to sprawl out in, makes them endearing even when they are on their downtime. Of course, plenty of monkeys will still be active despite the heat, busy looking for food or testing their place in the social hierarchy.

The first half of the month will still be a part of rainy season, and as such rain is of course to be expected. Temperatures will be lower at this time, but could still easily go over 30 degrees in the day. From the second half of the month, expect the full heat of summer. While the monkey park’s high elevation means it isn’t too hot compared to low lying cities, it could reach even 35 degrees on a hot day and bringing water for hydration is a must.

With the forests greenery now mature and dark in color, the lushness of the leaves will surprise you. Every where you look, there will be some sort of branch, vine, or stem and the monkeys make use of all of these as food. They will often break a branch straight off the tree, and strip it of its leaves with their teeth, proving that even monkeys will eat their salad when necessary (although their preference is of course for fruit if they can get their hands on it).



Although the last month of summer, August packs a punch and is perhaps the hottest month at the park on average. With typhoons starting to arrive around this time as well, the weather can be unpredictable but the beauty of a perfect sunny summer day makes up for it and then some. With temperatures lower than in most other parts of central, western, and southern Japan, and with less humidity as well, the Nagano summer does offer many days which are great for hiking and enjoying the wilderness.

Temperatures of up to 35 degrees are possible, and precaution against heat stroke should be taken. However, some days can be quite pleasant, well below 30, and the monkey park will be one of the breeziest and most refreshing places you visit during an August Japan trip. Pay attention to news about typhoons and possible closures at the monkey park due to inclement weather.

The monkey babies will now be getting a little more bold and willing to leave their parents side, often forming large groups of playmates looking for mischief. They may even try and climb up your leg! While the older monkeys may look tired out from the heat and ready to relax, the babies do not seem to care whatsoever and will not let anything get in the way of exploring their new world.


Summer is all about escaping the heat and humidity and Nagano’s many mountains offer the perfect refuge from the worst of it. Here’s our recommendation of the best tours to participate in this summer!

Operating year round and offering a full day itinerary including sake tasting, lunch, a visit to the historic Zenkoji Temple and of course a guided tour of the Snow Monkey Park, this day tour is the best option for anyone looking to explore Nagano with ease. Instead of worrying about catching trains or buses, you can instead ride on our tour bus with a guide who will make sure to handle all of the difficult parts for you.


Possible as a day trip from Tokyo, those looking to see a different side of Japan will definitely enjoy themselves. In Summer, when the number of guests at the park has dropped off and the monkeys are enjoying the lush greenery, you will have a chance to enjoy the antics at your own pace while asking any questions you think of to your helpful guide.

For guests searching for a more personalized experience, we also offer private tours from a number of locations including Nagano City and surrounding ski resorts. For a full list, please look at our Snow Monkey Park Tour Page.

Nestled high in the Hida Mountains, Kamikochi is found at the southern tip of the Chubu Sangaku National Park. A true alpine oasis sitting beneath the high peaks of Mt Yari (3180m), Mt Hotaka (3190) and Mt Yakedake (2455m), the valley follows the Azusa River and is home to diverse range of flora and fauna. Hiking trails span-out along the valley floor and follow the river as it meanders north to south, before more advanced hiking and climbing routes ascend to the mountains above – some of Japan’s best summer hiking and mountaineering.

Most famous for its Snow Walls, the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route remains open to the public until November and through summer, offers outstanding hiking opportunities. Summiting at over 3000 meters, Mt Tateyama is one of Japan’s three sacred mountains. Ascending the mountain and hiking its high ridges will transport you to another world, far from the heat and hassle of the cities.

Sitting quietly in the mountains bordering Nagano City, Togakushi is home to some of Japan’s most important Shinto shrines set among a beautiful forested landscape. The five major shrines that make-up the Togakushi complex are spaced-out at intervals through the forest and set against the dramatic background of mountains rising above. Accessible via well-maintained walking tracks, Togakushi continues to draw Shinto practitioners and nature enthusiasts who revel in its tranquillity, beauty, and purity.

Home to one of Japan’s last remaining castles, Matsumoto is a pleasant city known for its historic streets, great food and lively arts scene. While the castle is the main attraction, visitors to Matsumoto discover that it has a lot to offer and is the gateway to rural areas such as Azumino and launching point into the North Japan Alps. Located just nearby is the charming and well preserved post town of Narai-juku, on the old Nakasendo Trail. With over 1km of traditional buildings, this is a great place to see what Japan was like 200 years ago.


We also offer charters to the Monkey Park (and other destinations around Central Japan) for travelers in need of transportation only.



Often referred to as the Snow Monkey Park, you’d be forgiven for thinking the park is only open and the monkeys only venture there in winter. While it’s true they are most famous for their winter antics, the monkeys come to the park all year round and there are just as many reasons to visit in spring, summer and autumn. Located in the beautiful rural enclave of Yamanouchi and within easy reach of Nagano City, visiting the park can be easily combined with plenty of nearby destinations and activities, as a day-trip or multi-day visit. Our ’25 Things To Do Around The Jigokudani Monkey Park & Where To Stay’ page has lots of great tips and suggestions of what’s on offer throughout the year.

Snow Monkey Park