

Nagoya is one of Japan’s great metropolises and one of the country’s financial and industrial hubs. A modern and innovative city, Nagoya also has a rich history and great food scene, making it an ideal stop as you move from east to west, west to east, or into the mountainous heartland of Central Japan from Nagoya Station. On this page you will find the following information:


Best Things to Do Around Nagoya

Where to Stay When Visiting Nagoya?


與我們一起預訂! 長野的第一大旅遊和包車運營商


Nagoya is a great starting point from where to head into Central Japan – with destinations including the Kiso Valley and Nakasendo, Matsumoto and Nagano all accessible using the Limited Express ‘Shinano’ service along with Gero Onsen, Takayama and as far as Toyama using the Limited Express ‘Hida’ service. Nagoya is also a convenient point from where to head west to the Kii Peninsula. Boasting some of Japan’s most important religious sites including the Ise Grand Shrine, the pilgramage trails, shrines and temples of the Kumano Kodo and the temple-mountain of Koyasan, the Kii Peninsula is a destination all to itself.


Located around 350KM to the west of Tokyo and 130KM to the east of Kyoto, Nagoya is the largest city in Central Japan and fourth largest in Japan. Nagoya Station is a stop on the Tokaido Shinkansen line running from Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka, making it easy to reach the city from the capital in only 95-minutes. The Limited Express ‘Shinano’ service also runs from Nagoya Station into Central Japan including the Kiso Valley and Nakasendo, Matsumoto and onto Nagano City; while the Limited Express ‘Hida’ service runs to Gero Onsen, Takayama and onto Toyama on the north coast. The city is also serviced by one of Japan’s main airports, Chubu Centrair International Airport, located around 50KM to the south of Nagoya Station. As a major transport hub between Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, many international visitors will pass through Nagoya without stopping. Those who do take the time to visit Nagoya discover an industrious and vibrant city with a great food scene and a mix of historic and contemporary attractions. An ideal launching point from where to head into Central Japan, Nagoya also places you within easy reach of the multiple religious destinations of the Kii Peninsula.



1 / 名古屋中心地區 / 全年無休


名古屋站周邊及附近的地區,餐飲、購物、住宿一應俱全,是一個非常適合居住和遊玩的地區。 眾多的大型酒店坐落在這裡,住宿條件從高端到經濟型都有。 關於名古屋的住宿信息,請參考我們的酒店頁面。車站東側的栄百貨,以鬆坂屋名古屋店、Sunshine Sakae、Nadya Park、三越百貨等大型百貨店和購物中心以及眾多餐廳而聞名。從栄站出發,栄百貨步行約20-30分鐘,或乘坐地鐵到栄站或久屋大通駅站只需5分鐘。

2 / 名古屋站和JR中央塔 / 全年無休


名古屋站周圍和上方的區域,包括JR中央大廈在內,都是建築密集的地方。 1999年落成的辦公大樓高達245米,附近還有規模稍小的酒店大樓。塔樓下層有車站本身(1層)、大型高島屋百貨店(2層至11層)、塔樓廣場購物中心(12層至13層)等一系列設施。在這些樓層之上,酒店塔是萬豪酒店的所在地,而辦公塔則有許多公司入住。 雖然國際遊客可能對此不感興趣,但位於辦公大樓頂部的 “全景沙龍 “包括一個葡萄酒酒吧、咖啡館和日間水療中心,可以欣賞到城市的美景。


2017年開業的JR門塔與JR中央塔相連,包含了更多的大型百貨商店、購物、名古屋JR門塔酒店等。 因此,在這里安營扎寨是一個很好的選擇,可以讓你在名古屋的時間得到最大限度的利用。

3 / 熱田神宮 / 全年無休


One of the most important Shinto shrines in Japan, Atsuta Jingu enshrines the sun goddess Amaterasu and is the repository of the ‘Sword of Kusanagi’ – one of the three sacred treasures that symbolize the imperial throne. The site has been consecrated for at least 1900 years, with the current structures remodelled in a style similar to those of the Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacred in the country – discussed below at No.11. The grounds are always open to the public and admission is free. Around 10 minutes from Nagoya Station. Jingumae Station or Jingunishi Station are the nearest.

4 / 名古屋城 / 全年無休


Located in central Nagoya, Nagoya Castle was once the heart of the city and region. As one of the most important castle towns in Edo Period Japan (1603-1868), the story of the castle is inextricable from that of the city and its people. Sadly, the castle was largely destroyed in air raids during the Second World War and today’s structure is mostly a post-war reconstruction. Nevertheless, what stands today is one of the city’s biggest attractions. The adjacent Honmaru Goten (castle palace) is a recent reconstruction but given the attention to detail and traditional methods used is well-worth visiting – considered one of the finest examples of ‘Shion’ architecture existing today.


城堡的開放時間為每天(12月20日-1月1日除外)09:00-16:30。 成人每人500日元,初中生及以下兒童免費。從名古屋站出發約15分鐘。 最近的市役所駅站

5 / 豐田産業技術記念館 / 全年無休


這座博物館位於豐田公司的原紅磚建築內,它是現在全球豐田公司的前身,精心規劃的博物館講述了日本最偉大的公司之一的故事。 本書反映了名古屋作為日本工業中心之一的地位,並追溯了名古屋成為技術強國的過程。原本是一家紡織公司,公司創始人豐田勝一的兒子豐田喜一郎將機械和技術應用於汽車生產,並轉型為豐田汽車公司。 剩下的,正如他們所說的,就是歷史。


展覽分為紡織機械館和汽車館,博物館每天(除週一外)開放時間為09:00-17:00。成人門票為1200日元,初中和高中學生為600日元,小學生為400日元。 從名古屋站出發約10~15分鐘,最近的車站是栄生駅站。 另外,從名古屋站步行25分鐘即可到達博物館。

6 / SCMAGLEV和鐵路博物館 / 全年無休


For the trainspotters among you, the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park showcases the history and technological ingenuity of the Central Japan Railways Company. A collection of 39 train cars and locomotives – ranging from older, retired to models to the ‘maglev’ prototypes currently being trialled – sits on the first floor, while the second floor is dedicated to interactive learning experiences for children and train simulators – fun for children and adults alike.

The museum also houses some of Japan’s largest model train sets including highly detailed recreations of Tokyo, Osaka and of course, Nagoya. While trainspotters will love the whole experience, you don’t have to be a train nerd to enjoy this excellent museum. Open daily (other than Dec.28-Jan.1) from 10:00 to 17:30. Admission is JPY1000 (with additional fees of JPY100/500 for use of the simulators – booking required). Around 30 minutes from Nagoya Station. The nearest station is Kinjofuto Station.

7 / 德川美術館和德川花園 / 全年無休


This private museum exhibits over 12,000 items including ceramics, paintings, furniture, Noh costumes and masks, along with armour and swords once owned by the Owari clan – one of three branches of the ruling Tokugawa family during the Edo Period. At that time, Nagoya and its ruling Owari were among the wealthiest areas and clans in Japan; amassing great wealth as reflected by the collection now on display. Located on the what was the site of their residence, the museum adjoins the Tokugawa-en or Tokugawa Garden. The beautiful grounds are home to a tea house and several bridges, best experience in spring or autumn. Open daily (other Mondays and mid-Dec. until Jan.3) from 10:00 to 17:00. Admission to the museum is JPY1200 per adult, JPY700 for students and JPY500 for children. Admission to the garden is JPY300 or a joint ticket for both is JPY1550. The nearest station is Ozone Station – a 15 minute walk the museum and total journey of around 30 minutes from Nagoya Station.

8 / 嚐嚐名古屋的名產美食 / 一年四季都可以享用

One of the great pleasures of any travel is food and Nagoya definitely won’t disappoint. When visiting Nagoya you have plenty of tasty food to tempt you. We recommend trying these local staples:

Hitsumabushi – 作為日本最大的 “鰻魚 “產地,到名古屋一定要來這裡。 炭烤後塗上黑醬,配上佐料和湯汁,是名古屋的招牌菜。


味噌煮込烏冬面–使用山西縣產的粗麵條和味噌湯,在土鍋裡放上蔥、雞肉、蘑菇、生雞蛋、年糕等佐料。 可想而知,它讓你滿載而歸。


味噌炸排– 另一種以味噌為基礎的名古屋美味, 味噌炸排是典型的炸豬排(油炸碎豬排),並塗上特殊的味噌醬。 味噌炸排味十足的味噌松,是從名古屋站出發時,攜帶在火車上的最佳 “便當”。

手羽先–調味,炸雞翅。 咸、辣、脆,還用說嗎?

9 / 樂高樂園 / 全年無休


此外,還可以通過距離SCMAGLEV和鐵路博物館最近的金城頭駅站前往,日本樂高樂園於2017年開業,並迅速成為名古屋最受歡迎的景點之一。樂園主要面向兒童,但也有足夠的成人娛樂設施,包括大型樂高模型和遊樂設施,分為七個主題區域–反映了樂高宇宙中的不同世界。像任何一個好的主題公園一樣,現場有很多餐飲區、商品和酒店,讓你完全沉浸在樂高的世界裡。對於家庭來說,尤其是帶著年幼孩子的家庭來說,是一個不錯的選擇。每天開放時間為10:00-17:00,週末和國家法定節假日延長至18:00。入場費為(高峰期/非高峰期)。成人(13歲以上) 5700日元/4600日元;兒童 (3-12歲) 3700日元/3400日元。日本樂高樂園從名古屋站出發,經金城頭駅站,車程35分鐘。

10 / 香嵐渓/ 最佳:11月


Korankei or the ‘Koran Valley’ is regarded as one of the region’s best locations to enjoy the beauty of Japan’s autumn leaves. Following the Tomoe River around the base of Mount Iimori, the leaves are typically at their best along the river through November. Legend has it that in the 17th century, the head abbot of the local Kojaku-ji Temple planted many of the maple trees that today, attract visitors from all over the region each autumn. During that time, trees around the Taigetsu-kyo Bridge are illuminated in the evening – from sunset until 21:00 – creating a beautiful environment through which to wander.


如果在秋天去長野,我們建議您花時間去尋找當地美麗的紅葉。 我們的 “長野的紅葉 “頁面是尋找旅遊信息和建議的最佳起點。從名古屋站出發,約2個小時可到達金城頭駅。

11 / 伊勢志摩 / 全年無休


從名古屋站乘電車約100分鐘,伊勢志摩是日本最神聖的神社所在地。 由於文化和自然景觀的重要性,被指定為 “伊勢志摩國立公園”,從名古屋、京都、大阪、東京等地吸引了大量的國內游客。神社建築群由伊勢神宮(內宮)和外宮兩個主要神社組成。 據信最初建立的時間分別為2000年和1500年,每隔20年就會對內殿進行一次拆除、移動和重建。




In total there are more than 100 shrines making-up the overall complex with the two main shrines – Kotai Jingu and Geku – located several kilometres apart. Leading-up to the Kotai Jingu, the Oharaimachi is a picturesque and historic shopping street lined with restaurants, cafes and traditional buildings. The scenic region is also home to ‘onsen’ (hot springs), numerous hotels and guesthouses, theme parks and a thriving pearl industry.


雖然伊勢志摩可以從名古屋站出發進行一日遊,但我們建議在那里至少住上一晚。欲了解更多信息,請參考我們的 “伊勢志摩地區 “酒店頁面。

12 / 漫步熊野古道 / 最佳:3月至11月


1000多年來,在紀伊半島的聖地和寺廟之間,僧侶、朝聖者、貴族和普通人走過了熊野古道的朝聖之路。 作為世界上僅有的兩條被列入世界遺產名錄的朝聖路線之一,與西班牙的卡米諾聖地亞哥一樣,行走熊野古道是日本最有價值的體驗之一。


可以走的路線很多,難易程度不同,長短不一。 中邊路是其中最受歡迎的一個。 從西海岸的田邊出發,綿延30公里,以熊野本宮大社之一的本宮大社為終點,需要在近露王子過夜,是一個舒適的2天步行路線。熊野本宮大社位於熊野古道網絡的中心,是分佈在日本各地的3000多座熊野神社的總社。 與附近的熊野速玉大社熊野那智大社一起,是供奉著太陽神天照等神靈的熊野大社之一。



13 / 高野山 / 全年無休


作為神農派的中心,高野山是日本另一個最重要的宗教場所。 高野山是日本歷史上最重要的歷史和宗教人物之一–空海和尚於9世紀創建的,是分佈在小谷山森林中的大型寺院。空海的陵墓–奧院也被稱為 “弘法大師”,位於高野山,是著名的四國遍路寺朝拜活動 “軒羅 “的起點和終點。

While the precinct is home to numerous temples, the Okunoin is the most revered – the place where Kukai is said to wait in eternal meditation for the arrival of the future Buddha. With many nationally important temples in the area, visitors could spend days exploring Mount Koya with Kongobuji Temple and Garan being two more notable attractions. For international visitors to Japan, Koya-san may not be as well-known as the temples of Kyoto, but it should not be over-looked and is truly one of Japan’s most rewarding destinations. Within Koya-san, 52 temples offer lodging – called ‘shukubo’ – allowing visitors to glimpse the monastic life. Accommodation is open to visitors of any faith and background, and again, is one of the most engaging experiences awaiting you in Japan. Koyasan is a 3.5 to 4 hour journey from Nagoya Station.

14 / 歷史悠久的高山老街 / 全年無休

Directly accessible from Nagoya using the Limited Express ‘Hida’ service, the historic old town of Takayama is a popular destination. Famous for the excellent preservation of its Edo Period (1603-1868) historic centre, Takayama draws large crowds. Try to avoid the middle of the day – between 11:00 and 15:00 – when large tour buses arrive and crowd the small historic area with tourists. Takayama is equally well-known for its food culture including Hida beef – considered some of the best in Japan – and its famous beef sushi, Takayama ramen and more! For foodies, Takayama is a real treat. If you have your eye on a particular restaurant, make sure to book in advance! From Nagoya Station, Takayama is a direct 140 to 160 minute train journey (depending on which service you choose).

15 / 參觀白川村和五箇山 / 全年無休


Also easily accessible from Nagoya via Takayama, the villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama were inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1995. Actually consisting of three villages, they are known for this distinctive ‘gassho-style’ thatch-roofed houses set in a beautiful alpine setting of rice fields and high mountains above. World Heritage-listing has ensured that the villages are hugely popular with both domestic and international tourists but don’t let that put you off. The villages are well-worth visiting and walking away for the central area of the main village of Ogimachi, will quickly have you unencumbered by other visitors. If you really want to avoid the crowds, consider heading to the other villages of Suganuma and Ainokura. Much smaller than Ogimachi they are also far less visited and offer a peaceful experience of these important rural hamlets.

16 / 下呂溫泉 / 全年無休


Gero Onsen is one of Japan’s most famous hot spring towns, located between Nagoya and Takayama. As such it is readily accessible from Nagoya Station using the Limited Express ‘Hida’ service. The thermal water of Gero is said to treat a variety of ailments including rheumatism, muscle aches and skin problems, neuralgia, and fatigue. The greatest majority of hotels are in the main village along the Hida River, with further guesthouses located in the forests and hills surrounding the town.


There are three public hot springs in Gero, as well as a large outdoor bath close to the Gero Bridge where you can bathe out in the open for free. As many other hot spring resorts, Gero Onsen has four free foot baths, open to anyone that wants to dip their feet in the water. If you want to know more about the history of the town, the Gero Onsen Museum displays centuries-old artefacts tracing the history of Gero, while Onsenji Temple is a short but energetic walk uphill form the town. Using the Limited Express ‘Hida’ service from Nagoya, the direct journey to Gero takes just under 2 hours.

17 / 郡上八幡/ 全年無休


Located around 2 hours from Nagoya, Gujo Hachiman is a quaint castle town set in a beautiful area of Gifu Prefecture. The reconstructed castle is the obvious attraction however visitors to Gujo will quickly discover a pleasant town which is ideal for exploring on-foot. Small waterways and canals criss-cross the town offering fantastic photo opportunities, with koi swimming in some. While Gujo Hachiman is an all year round destination, it is most popular in summer for its Obon dance festival – the ‘Gujo Odori’ runs through the month of August – and in autumn, as visitors come to the area to view the beautiful changing leaves. From Nagoya, take the Limited Express ‘Hida’ to Mino-Ota and transfer to the Nagaragawa Railway Line bound for Hokuno, and disembark at Gujohachiman Station.

18 / 犬山 / 一年四季


犬山是名古屋以北的另一個城下町,是尾張氏的另一個領地。 小巧而美麗的犬山城是登記在冊的國寶,也是現今保留下來的最古老的原始木製城堡。 每天(12月29日-1月1日除外)9:00~17:00開放,門票550日元。這座宜人的城市位於木曾川旁,這裡繼續著鸕鶿捕魚的活動,日語稱為 “鵜飼”。 附近的 “有楽苑 “是包括 “上安茶屋 “在內的日本傳統庭園。 建於17世紀,每天(12月29日-1月1日除外)09:00-17:00開放,費用1000日元。犬山站距離名古屋約35-45分鐘。

19 / 漫步中山堂步道 / 最佳:4月至11月


Directly accessible from Nagoya Station – via either Nakatsugawa Station or Kiso-Fukushima Station – the Nakasendo Trail traces a historic highway that once connected Tokyo – then called Edo – and Kyoto during the Edo Period (1603-1868). Though much of the route is now gone, several sections can still be walked including the picturesque ‘Kisoji’, the section of road that runs through the Kiso Valley. Serviced by many ‘juku’ or post towns, the Kisoji is known for the historic preservation of Narai-juku, Magome-juku and Tsumago-juku. These picturesque little towns are cared for by local residents who strive to maintain their traditional aesthetic and ways of life. The journey on-foot between the towns is a lovely experience, particularly in spring and autumn. From Nagoya, take the Limited Express ‘Shinano’ service to either Nakatsugawa Station – 50 minutes – or Kiso-Fukushima Station – 85 minutes.

20 / 木曾禦嶽山脈和木曾谷 / 全年無休


The Kiso Ontake Mountain Range is one of several dramatic and beautiful alpine areas covering Central Japan. Dominated by the imposing volcanic peak of Mount Ontake – Japan’s second highest volcano behind Fuji – the region is known for its pristine nature, lush landscapes and stunningly-coloured water of its rivers and gorges. The geography of the mountain range including its rugged and high peaks, dense forests and deep gorge made the region somewhat inaccessible until modern times, and in doing so, allowed a strong and independent culture to develop; and though modern infrastructure has now opened Kiso Ontake to the wider world, it retains much of its historic character and maintains many traditions. Blessed with rare natural beauty the Kiso Ontake Mountain Range includes the stunning Kiso Valley and the most famous section of the Nakasendo, including the beautiful postal towns of Narai, Magome and Tsumago, which can still be walked today. Somewhat undiscovered by international visitors, exploring Kiso Ontake and the Kiso Valley takes you deep into the heart of Central Japan.

21 / 上高地 / 4月至11月

上高地位於中部山岳國立公園內,每年4月中旬至11月中旬對外開放,上高地是一個原始而美麗的高山峽谷。 沿著梓川的河谷,日本最高的山峰在3000米以上。從上高地巴士總站出發,沿著山谷延伸的步行路線,適合任何體質的人,然後再沿著更高級的徒步旅行和登山路線進入山區。中部山岳國立公園中的一顆明珠,上高地是長野最令人難忘的體驗之一,是一個真正具有自然和精神意義的特殊地方。

22 / 松本城 / 全年無休


Standing guard over Matsumoto City for more than 400 years, Matsumoto Castle is a registered National Treasure and for Japanese, an instantly recognizable structure. Visiting the castle is an easy and enjoyable day-trip or en-route to Nagano. While there, enjoy the historic character of the city along with its many good cafes, restaurants, museums and shopping. Matsumoto can be reached using the Limited Express ‘Shinano’ service, a direct 120 minute journey from Nagoya Station.

23 / 地獄谷雪猴公園 / 全年無休


Accessible via Nagano Station, the Jigokudani Monkey Park is one of Central Japan’s most well-known destinations. At its most popular through the snow of winter, the park is in fact open all year round. The monkeys – known for their hot spring-bathing antics – come to the park all year round with each season offering its own reasons to visit. Known fondly as ‘snow monkeys’, they are in fact there all year round with spring, summer and autumn each providing their own reasons to visit to the park. Nagano can be reached using the Limited Express ‘Shinano’ service, a direct 175 minute journey from Nagoya Station.

24 / 探索山之內–雪猴之鄉 / 全年無休


山之內是地獄谷雪猴公園以及志賀高原和北志賀高原滑雪勝地的所在地,在冬季最受歡迎,但在春季、夏季和秋季也有同樣多的參觀理由。山之內擁有豐富的農田、原始的自然環境、眾多的溫泉和冬季的大雪,與療養、避難和復興有著密切的聯繫,山之內分為三個地區–湯田中和 澀溫泉、志賀高原和北志賀高原。住在山之內的眾多旅館中,是享受日本著名的傳統服務的理想方式–包括傳統的 “懷石料理”(多道菜)餐飲,展示該地區豐富的農產品。欲了解更多信息,請參閱我們的 “發現山之內–雪猴之家 “頁面。

25 / 在長野滑雪和單板滑雪 / 12月至4月






Less than an hours drive from Shiga, Nozawa Onsen is one of Nagano’s most popular resorts – offering skiers and boarders around 300 hectares of train between 565 and 1650 metres. Also known for its great powder and setup for snowboarders, Nozawa is a lively resort serviced by a large village full of accommodation, restaurants and bars and ‘onsen’ (hot springs), Nozawa’s reputation is as much based on what happens off the mountain. For more information and tips of where to go, see our ‘Japan Ski Resorts’ page.


Nagoya is Japan’s fourth largest city and as such, there is no shortage of accommodation to choose from. Most hotels are located in and around Nagano Station and nearby Sakae Station while travellers with early or late flights out of Chubu Centrair might consider staying around the airport. Our ‘Best Places to Stay in Nagoya’ page provides information about each of those areas including links to accommodation listings.


As a stop on the Tokaido Shinkansen line running from Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka, Nagoya is a convenient stop from where you can explore the city itself and head into the mountainous interior of Central Japan. Our ‘How to Get to Nagoya’ page explains how to get there from some of the most popular starting points.

與我們預訂! 長野的第一大旅遊和包車運營商


Central Japan offers many, many reasons to visit. Operating all year round, we are Nagano’s No.1-rated tour and charter operator, offering a range of services including group tours, private tours and charters. We can arrange transport including a private vehicle and driver, to transport you to, from and between any destination in Central Japan.






我們的”雪猴公園、善光寺和清酒一日遊“榮獲2022 TripAdvisor 旅行者之選獎,並被評為日本十大體驗之一- 我們擁有豐富的當地知識和經驗,可以幫助您在長野和日本中部地區獲得最大的旅遊體驗。
