Hakone Onsen: Ashinoko (Ashi Lake) Area

Hakone Onsen: Ashinoko (Ashi Lake) Area

One of the most popular attractions in Hakone, Ashinoko or ‘Ashi Lake’ has a small number of hotels and guesthouses located on its shores. The lake itself is large and accommodation options are largely limited to the eastern shore with most located nearby the Hakone Ropeway station – the area from where boat cruises on the lake operate – or further to the south around the lower ropeway station for the Hakone-Komagatake Ropeway. On a clear day, visitors can enjoy some spectacular views of Mount Fuji to the west however it is worth noting that this is entirely reliant on the weather and on overcast days you will not be able to see the mountain.


When booking accommodation in this area, make sure to check the access information for your chosen hotel or guesthouse to make sure it suits your travel plans as once the ropeway and buses stop operating in the evenings, it isn’t possible to reach the central town, where most dining and shopping is located, without driving or using a taxi – approximately 30-minutes. For guests staying around Ashinoko, it’s a good idea to include meals with your accommodation.

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Ashinoko can be reached by car or bus from Hakone-Yumoto Station - taking 30-minutes and longer (depending on the location on your hotel) - however many visitors access the lake using the Hakone Ropeway from Gora Station - taking 35-minutes/JPY1480 to reach the lakeside station of Togendai from Gora


Hakone Onsen: Ashinoko (Ashi Lake) Area

