Registration for the races is open from mid-July until late-September (or until capacity is reached). Events are capped at: 54km / 400 participants; 32km / 300 participants; 8km / 200 participants; and kids 1-3km / 200 participants. On the day of the main races, runners in the 54km event depart at 05:00, followed by 32km runners at 08:00 and 8km runners at 13:00.

These are serious alpine races attracting both professional and semi-professional athletes. Running across mixed terrain and unsealed tracks, participants need to be of very high fitness. The running community is friendly and welcoming and will always put on events including BBQs before, during and after the races with vendors and stalls always on-site selling food, drinks and other products.

Staying at one of Shiga Kogen’s many hotels is a great way to participate or simply watch the races including some well-earned recuperation afterward.
*Please note that the children’s event takes place the day before the main races. Shiga Kogen also plays host to the Shiga Mountain Mountain Trail Run each July.