Kawaguchiko (Kawaguchi Lake)

Kawaguchiko (Kawaguchi Lake)

Kawaguchiko or ‘Kawaguchi Lake’ is one of five large bodies of water making-up Fujigoko or the ‘Fuji Five Lakes’. Of the five, Kawaguchiko is the easiest to access and offers the most attractions around its shores.


On a fine day, the views of Fuji from Kawaguchiko are truly fantastic and based on that reputation, the area surrounding Kawaguchiko has been developed with hotels and guesthouses, restaurants and cafés, museums, shops, markets and more.


Autumn in particular is spectacular as the leaves change colour and markets pop-up on the shore of the lake. Just make sure to keep any eye on the forecast and head there on a clear day, when the view is sure to be truly spectacular. For accommodation listings around Kawaguchiko, please refer to our ‘Kawaguchi Lake (Kawaguchiko) Onsen Area’, hotel page.


For information regarding other great places to view Fuji, please refer to our ‘Best Views of Mount Fuji’ page.


Accessible all times of year

The lake can be accessed on-foot, by bus or taxi from Kawaguchiko Station. To reach Kawauguchiko, stake the Fujikyu Railway or Fujisan Express from Otsuki Station - 50 to 65 minutes depending on which service you choose. The lake can also be easily accessed using your own vehicle


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Accessible all times of year

The lake can be accessed on-foot, by bus or taxi from Kawaguchiko Station. To reach Kawauguchiko, stake the Fujikyu Railway or Fujisan Express from Otsuki Station - 50 to 65 minutes depending on which service you choose. The lake can also be easily accessed using your own vehicle
