Located in the shadow of Mount Fuji, Fuji-Q Highland is one of Japan’s most popular amusement parks and home to its best rollercoasters. The park boasts four main rollercoasters: 1. Fujiyama – once the world’s fastest and tallest and still one of the best; 2. Dodonpa – said to have the fastest acceleration of any rollercoaster in the world; 3. Takabisha – the steepest rollercoaster in the world; and 4. Eejanaika – the park’s ‘4th dimension’ rollercoaster, with rotating seats within the car.

The park includes other rides including those suited to children along with mazes and other attractions. For the younger kids, ‘Thomas Land’ is based on the popular Thomas the Tank series. Restaurants, gift shops and the Highland Resort Hotel and Spa are also available. Fuji-Q Highland draws devoted fans from all over the world so expect long queues for the rollercoasters, particularly on weekends and holidays.