Photoblog: Monkeys Strut their Stuff in Summertime Shenanigans!
  • Photoblog: Monkeys Strut their Stuff in Summertime Shenanigans!


    Hello fellow monkey lovers! Welcome back to our wild and wondrous adventure at the Snow Monkey Park in beautiful Nagano Prefecture. Summertime has arrived, and you know what that means – it’s time for the adorable snow monkeys to strut their stuff and show us how they have a blast under the sun! So grab your sunblock and sense of wonder as we dive into the enchanting world of these furry acrobats.


    When you think of snow monkeys, you might envision them frolicking in the snow during winter, basking in the steaming hot springs amidst a snowy wonderland. But hold onto your hats because these clever critters know how to keep the fun going even when the sun is shining!

    Summertime at the Snow Monkey Park means the trees are robust with Spring’s foliage, providing the perfect backdrop for the monkeys to showcase their acrobatic prowess. Prepare to be amazed as you witness gravity-defying leaps from branch to branch, somersaults mid-air, and swinging gymnastic routines that would make even the most skilled human athletes green with envy!


    If you’ve ever wondered what monkey conversations sound like, summertime at Snow Monkey Park is your chance to find out! The air is filled with a delightful symphony of coos, squeaks, and occasional laughter and screeching as the monkeys share their daily tales, fight amongst themselves, and probably gossip about the silly human visitors!

    As the summer sun works its magic on the park’s landscape, an abundance of delicious fruits and wild plants become available for our furry friends. You’ll find them munching on fresh grasses, plucking leaves with gusto, and even gathering tog some fresh fruits and nuts from the park rangers in the true spirit of camaraderie.

    Just like us, snow monkeys love to beat the summer heat, and they’ve found their very own version of a water park! When the temperature starts to rise, the temperature of the ‘onsen’ hot spring is lowered to around 30 centigrade, much lower than the temperatures it is in the Winter. Knowing that the hot spring’s water sometimes is lower than the surrounding air, some clever primates choose to head to the pool. You’ll spot them playfully splashing around, chasing each other in a playful game of tag, or even taking a boat ride on another monkey!


    We all love a good dose of Vitamin D, and the snow monkeys are no exception. Catch them lounging on sun-dappled rocks, eyes half-closed in relaxation, soaking in the warmth of the summer sun. You can’t help but feel a sense of kinship with these laid-back sunbathers.


    Summertime sparks the curious side of these intelligent creatures. Watch as they explore new nooks and crannies of the park, inspecting flowers, insects, and anything that catches their fancy. Their wonder and fascination with the world around them are contagious and remind us of the joy of discovering the little wonders in life.


    We here at Snow Monkey Resorts are here to make the most of your time in Nagano, offering only the most curated experiences! Our most popular tour, the 1-Day Snow Monkeys, Zenko-ji Temple & Sake in Nagano allows you to get up close and personal with our snow monkey friends, as well as offering a look into the spiritual heart of Nagano with the 1,400 year-old Zenko-ji Temple! We, and the monkeys, can`t wait to see you!